Data Science:
The AI
Join Our Summer Program
Join Data Science: The AI Journey from July 14 – August 1, 2025. In just one summer, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to pursue a future in Data Science and AI. Master the Python code that powers AI as you explore the world of big data. Create stunning data visualizations, build machine learning models, and develop relevant AI applications. Walk away with an impressive portfolio project, hundreds of coding notebooks, and a Data Science Scholar Certificate. You won’t look at AI the same, and you will leave a data scientist and better programmer. See the video below for more info.
Lecture Time
During lecture time, students learn new concepts and model code. Lectures are not passive watching experiences, but engaging coding experiences. Students create their own coding notebooks and gain access to annotated lecture notebooks that are permanently storied in student Google Drives.
Cohort Time
After lectures, students work in cohorts to apply new concepts and work on project development. We keep cohorts small at an average of 6 students. Students are in grouped in cohorts with other students of a similar age and coding background. Fundamentals are reinforced in beginning cohorts, while advanced cohorts go deeper. Cohorts are where students bond and conduct original research. 1-1 support is provided.
Cohort Ratings
In 2024, students gave cohort time a mean (average) rating of 4.95/5. The lowest score was a 4.
Bonus Time
Long coding days are divided by bonus time and break time. Popular among students, bonus time gives students opportunities to connect and have fun outside of coding. Based on student feedback, bonus time is one of the most popular and anticipated times of the day.
Build Data Visualizations
We focus on creating customizable data visualizations. All plots that students create are generated from scratch using Python code with the pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn libraries. Histograms, box plots, violin plots, scatter plots, joint plots, regression lines and more are included.
More than anything, we focus on teaching students how to build and evaluate machine learning models. Students learn best practices for coding and understanding Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Random Forests, XGBoost, and Sequential Neural Networks. We use Sklearn and Keras, and take deep dives into hyperparameter fine-tuning.
Build Machine Learning Models
Research Final Projects
Students present final projects at summer’s end with a slideshow and coding notebook. Our students tell an original AI story using data visualizations and machine learning. Projects may be used in college applications, internship applications, science fairs and more.
Overall Ratings
In 2024, students gave their overall experience a mean (average) rating of 4.86/5. The lowest score was a 4.
Your Staff
Students work with multiple instructors at Berkeley Coding Academy including the program director, lecturers, cohort leads, and support staff. We love the work that we do and enjoy getting to know students on a personal and professional level.
Get 1-1 Support
We troubleshoot errors with students and provide 1-1 support to review fundamentals and go beyond the curriculum. We ensure that all students have their needs met and that no one gets left behind. We check code and step forward when helpful.
Earn Certificates
At the end of summer, all students who complete our summer program with a final project receive a Data Science Scholar certificate. We recognize and applaud all that our students do.
Keep Our Curriculum
Our original data science curriculum has been revised for over 5+ years based on staff and student feedback. Hundreds of 4K videos, coding notebooks, problem sets, project guidelines, slides, and daily PDFs are included. Life access is granted.
The Future is Yours
BCA graduates have won science fairs, majored in Data Science, earned Data Science internships, started AI clubs, enrolled in advanced CS classes, and taken advanced AI classes at BCA and beyond. Our graduates are well-prepared to navigate, analyze and build AI to make a positive difference in a world that is becoming increasingly dependent upon AI.
Next Steps
Visit our registration page by clicking on the button below. There you will find current prices, packages, our syllabus and more. If you still have questions, visit our FAQ or email program director Corey Wade at