The Python Workshop

In 2019 I was recruited to write a flagship book, The Python Workshop, with Packt Publishing. Part of a new Packt series, the book would focus on education. Beyond just code, the book would include extensive examples, exercises, and activities for student practice. The idea was not just to write about Python, but to really teach it.

 As the first author, I developed the Table of Contents to organize the overall structure. I also wrote the first chapter introducing Python with a focus on variables, types, conditionals, and loops, along with the last two chapters on Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

 The book's reception was better than expected. As of Sunday, May 16, 2021, it has 150 reviews on Amazon with an average of 4.6 stars. Sold as a complete digital course on the Packt website, it has 97 additional reviews with an average of 5 stars.

While The Python Workshop targets adult learners, it can also benefit teens. It's a great first book for anyone looking to get started in Python, and a great second book for students looking to improve their Python. It works as a reliable Python reference at over 600 pages with a range of beginning and advanced topics suitable for most levels of learners.

 For Berkeley Coding Academy students, Chapters 1-3, core Python, along with Chapter 10, Data Analytics, and Chapter 11, Machine Learning, may be used to supplement Berkeley Coding Academy's Data Science in Python course. The book is not required, but it will empower anyone looking for additional resources.

The Python Workshop book - on Amazon

The Python Workshop course - at Packt

Corey Wade

Corey is the founder and director of Berkeley Coding Academy. He is the lead author of The Python Workshop, the author of Hands-on Gradient Boosting with XGBoost and scikit-learn, and a regular writer for Towards Data Science.


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